Research. Educate. Advocate.

To support medical RESEARCH for finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma. To EDUCATE patients and physicians about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of melanoma. To act as an ADVOCATE for the melanoma community to raise the awareness of this disease and the need for a cure. Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is the largest independent, national organization devoted to melanoma in the United States. Committed to the support of medical research in finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma.

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Bottled Up

If it goes on your skin and protects you from the sun, you'll find it here!

H2O Resistant

Water plus sunscreen is a tricky business.  Whenever I'm spending a few hours at the beach, or a pool party, my first line of defense is a rash guard and swim tights.  Now I realize most of you aren't yet fully committed to a life "covered up" so let's talk water-resistant sunscreen.  Yes, I said "resistant" not "water-proof".  If you have a sunscreen that says it's waterproof it's either really, really old, or it's just flat out wrong (new FDA sunscreen guidelines are not allowing any sunscreen to label itself as "water-proof" or "sweat-proof" since it overstates effectiveness).  After a certain amount of time in the water, all sunscreens fade or get washed away.  What you want to look for is "very water resistant", which means it will give you protection for about 80 minutes, max.  In my experience though, 60 minutes is about the most you can get out of a good broad-spectrum, very water-resistant sunscreen.  -Oh, and one last thing to remember, a good water-resistant product, particularly one that is zinc or titanium based, is going to feel relatively thick on your skin, there is no way around it.  Resign yourself to the texture and, at the end of the day, wash your face and body with an oil-based cleanser to break-up the sunscreen. A few water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreens to check out…