Research. Educate. Advocate.

To support medical RESEARCH for finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma. To EDUCATE patients and physicians about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of melanoma. To act as an ADVOCATE for the melanoma community to raise the awareness of this disease and the need for a cure. Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is the largest independent, national organization devoted to melanoma in the United States. Committed to the support of medical research in finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma.

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The Facts

News, statistics and interesting sun and melanoma related facts!

Killer Tanning Beds

KILLER TANNING BEDS  When I was in high school, going to a tanning salon before a school dance was a given.  I can still remember that sickly sweet smell of coconut mixed with sweat- I think all tanning salons must smell the same.  Looking back, I'm embarrassed at how naive I was to believe some oiled-up proprietor boasting of the "benefits" of indoor tanning.  I mean, the beds look like coffins for goodness sakes!  And the lamps are blinding...! With all the current research and information out there about the dangers of tanning beds, it's shocking that almost 36% of young women and 12% of men are still tanning!  These young people either don't know about the risks or just plain don't care.   Young people feel immortal, I get it, but this is why tanning beds need to be banned for minors.  If kids under 18 can't make the right choice on their own, we need to help them along with a ban.  Here are some disturbing statistics...  
  • Indoor tanners are 74% more likely to develop melanoma than non-tanners.
  • UVA radiation from tanning beds is 10-13 times more concentrated than that of the sun.
  • Tanning beds are associated with an increased risk of early on-set melanoma.
  • Tanning beds emit mostly UVA radiation which plays no part in our bodies ability to produce vitamin D (only UVB radiation helps with vitamin D production).
  • Chronic UVA exposure accelerates the aging of our skin by as much as 7 years.
  • Tanning beds are addicting, literally!*
  *For more on tanning bed addiction check out my post entitled Addicted.